Actually, You CAN get a Converter box and just convert Your OLD CRT TV... And Get Hi Definition pictures on it!
But there are only Standard Definition Digital Converter Box coupons available.
- This Is Because The Government Is Offering 2 Coupons Per Household, worth $40 Each.
But A High Definition Box Requires A Bit More Cash...
And a Common Response Is..
- Aren't digital converters the same as HDTV converters?
- No.
- Standard Definition Digital Converter Boxes: Display Standard Definition Programs Only...
- High Definition (HDTV) Digital Converter Boxes: Display Both Standard Definition, and High Definition.
If you get your hdtv converter rebate, You can buy a Standard Digital Converter Box, because they are cheap at this time.
Many Standard Digital Converter boxes are the same price as two $40 coupons, which you will be eligible for.
You will need to weigh up the difference in price and functions, if you want to view High Definition.
It's definitely worth the extra cost because many Free To Air Networks and or Stations are Transmitting Different Programs on these HD channels!
Also you will not see High Definition Channels on a Standard box.
The NTIA has issued about 20 million coupons so far.
However, the coupons have a 90-day expiration, and of those that have passed that date, less than half have been redeemed.
- So, you need to be quick...
Estimates for the number of US households with TVs and no cable or satellite subscriptions are as high as 20 million.
And if you consider the fact that many homes with cable or satellite also have an "extra" TV somewhere that is not connected, and so depends on a broadcast signal, the total number of households could be even higher.
So with less than 200 days to go until the digital TV transition on FEB 17, 2009!!
It appears that fewer than a third of those who will need a converter box have used a coupon to buy one.
If you get a HDTV converter box, you WILL get HDTV.
ONLY If you also have a High Definition TV set.
So Why haven't HDTV buyers been told these facts? Much More Here:
Buy and discount - Lg Flat Scren Tvs - select now!!!Buy and discount - Aoc Lcd Tv Review - select now!!!
Buy and discount - Lg Tv Sets - select now!!!
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